
Neighbors relieved after deputy shoots, kills wild boar

WALTON COUNTY, Ga. — Some Walton County neighbors are relieved after a deputy shot and killed a wild boar.

The say the animal charged at pets and even the deputy. The pets on one resident's property are OK after a big scare from the big boar.

Channel 2's Sophia Choi

got a picture of the powerful pig, all 160 pounds of him, from

Neighbors relieved after deputy shoots, kills wild boar

homeowner Katherine Tanner, who did not want to show her face on camera.

"It would charge at you.  And if it hadn’t been for the dog between me and it, you know, it could have got through our fence and then it was trying to get through the chain link fence from the neighbor’s house," she said.

The wild animal came in from the woods on Friday, and went after anything moving.

A neighbor shot the boar in the belly before Deputy Rock Podeszwa showed up. That’s when he says it charged at him.

He killed it with one shot.


"A wounded hog is nothing to play with, so once he was wounded he was not happy.  He was bunkering down so putting him down was not a difficult task, but risky," Podeszwa said.

The deputy, an avid hunter, knows just how dangerous these animals can be with 4-inch, razor-sharp teeth and a mean, menacing attitude to match.

"Out of hundreds that I’ve shot, I’ve only been charged twice, so that should explain his motive. 
His mission that day was to destroy those goats and her dog,"  Podeszwa said.

Tanner said this is the first wild pig to come onto her property and she’s glad it’s no longer around to terrorize her or her neighbors.  

Deputies said dangerous wild boars are pretty common around these parts, and residents should call for help if they see one.