
Study says Georgia's deadliest stretch of road is in Atlanta

ATLANTA — Georgia’s deadliest stretch of road is on I-20 in Atlanta, according to a recent study.

Five deaths occurred on the .98 mile freeway section northwest of Summerhill during the study's timeframe, the analysis conducted by personal injury law firm Butler Wooten & Peak and data visualization firm 1Point21 Interactive found.

Data was used from the federal Fatality Analysis Reporting System from 2013, 2014 and 2015, in addition to U.S. Census numbers. The study only includes stretches where at least five fatal crashes occurred within 2½ miles of each other.

With those parameters, they found that 427 fatal crashes occurred on 277 miles of Georgia road. In those crashes, 460 people died.


Atlanta contained 13 of the deadliest stretches of road — including six of the top 10 spots — out of the 57 listed in the study. Those 13 Atlanta stretches totaled nearly 40 miles and accounted for 97 fatal crashes and 101 fatalities in the study.

A 3.73-mile stretch of Old National Highway topped the list in crashes and fatalities, with 12 each, but the I-20 section had more deadly crashes per mile.

The seccond most deadly stretch was on I-75 in Kennesaw with an average of 4.65 fatal crashes per mile, the study said.

A separate study in 2015 showed that I-285 in Georgia had more fatal accidents per mile than any other interstate in 2013. Four stretches of that interstate showed up on the recent study, with the most fatal area located in Sandy Springs.

“Being aware of locations with a high concentration of fatal crashes can help drivers make better choices in their vehicle and even lead to identifying and fixing potentially dangerous conditions,” Butler Wooten & Peak wrote on its website.

See the complete results here.

This article was written by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.