
What a watermelon! Georgia 4th grader wins 4-H contest with 109 lb. melon

APPLING COUNTY, Ga. — A Georgia fourth grader took home first prize for the annual 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest after she grew a melon that weighed more than 100 pounds.

Madelynn Murphy, a fourth grade 4-H’er from Appling County, grew this year’s winning watermelon that came in at whopping 109.5 pounds.

“Growing the heaviest watermelon incorporates the basic aptitude of measurement concepts. Preparation skills, research abilities, and patience in this field of agricultural and environmental sciences enhance the ability to excel in this competition,” 4-H said on its website for the contest.


Second and third place also went to students in Appling County. Aiden Connell grew a melon that was 92.5 pounds and Bristol Johnson grew one weighing 75 pounds.

4-H also does a pumpkin growing contest in the fall. All submissions must be made by Friday, Oct. 21, 2022. You must be a 4-H member to enter the contest.


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