Jamie Dupree

CDC: large number of excess deaths in New York City during virus outbreak

A review by the Centers for Disease Control of deaths in New York City during the first eight weeks of the Coronavirus outbreak found at least 24,000 more people died in that city than should normally be expected, a key statistic which can demonstrate the severity of a public health emergency.

"Reporting of excess deaths might provide a more accurate

measure of the impact of the pandemic," the CDC review found.

From March 11 - the date of the first known Coronavirus death in New York City - through May 2, there were a total of 32,107 deaths, many more than the normal 8,000 to be expected for that same period of almost eight weeks.

During that time frame, nearly 19,000 people died - almost 14,000 with confirmed tests showing the Coronavirus, and another 5,000 'probable' cases.

The CDC says it's safe to assume some of the other 'excess' deaths over the regular average in New York City were tied to the virus outbreak as well.

"Counting only confirmed or probable COVID-19–associated deaths, however, likely underestimates the number of deaths attributable to the pandemic," the CDC review stated.

"The 5,293 excess deaths not identified as confirmed or probable COVID-19–associated deaths might have been directly or indirectly attributable to the pandemic," the report added.

Jamie Dupree

Jamie Dupree, CMG Washington News Bureau

Radio News Director of the Washington Bureau