
Opposition to "heartbeat' bill growing from both sides of abortion debate

ATLANTA — Backlash is growing on both sides of the controversial "heartbeat" bill, which could become Georgia's abortion law.

An anti-abortion group said the proposed law does not go far enough. Now opposition is coming from both sides, for very different reasons.

Since the Georgia House and Senate approved different versions of the bill, both would still have to agree before the governor could sign it into law, which he said he will do.

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“With Georgia now third in movie and TV production, behind New York and Hollywood, some in the industry are warning Georgia not to pass the so-called "heartbeat” bill,” said Rep. Ed Seltzer.

The bill would make abortions illegal to around six weeks when the fetal heartbeat is first detectable, instead of after the current 20 weeks of pregnancy.

We'll continue to follow this controversial bill as it moves closer to vote, on Channel 2 Action News

Calling it draconian and anti-choice, the Writers Guild of America released a statement Tuesday saying,

"This law would make Georgia an inhospitable place for those in the film and television industry to work, including our members."

And could cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars.

But so far, no production companies have promised to pull out of Georgia, like they did when the "Religious Liberty Bill" was up for debate.

On crossover day, House Democrats stood and turned their backs on the bill's sponsor.


But some on the right, part of the leading anti-abortion group, are calling on lawmakers to reject the “heartbeat” bill, saying it doesn't go far enough.

Georgia Right to Life disagrees with exemptions for rape, incest and children not predicted to live to birth or shortly after.

In a letter, the executive director said, "The legislation contains some strong 'personhood' components, and though Georgia Right to Life was hopeful, we are saddened that the bill discriminates against classes of innocent human beings."

Democrats promise to oppose the bill, not matter what.

The "heartbeat" bill passed out of the Senate last week and is now over on the House side.

But time is running out.

There's less than a week left in the session, with Sine Die April 2.

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