
Pro-life supporters call for Netflix boycott

ATLANTA — A week after Netfilx said it would rethink its investment in Georgia because of the Heartbeat Abortion Law, pro-life advocates are calling on Georgians to boycott the streaming service by canceling their subscriptions.

Georgia Right to Life and other organizations made the call for a boycott Tuesday morning.

At the same time, 15 Georgia film industry executives sent a letter to Gov. Brian Kemp inviting him to tour their facilities and to have a conversation about the issues affecting them.

A source gave a copy of that letter to Channel 2 political reporter Richard Elliot. It was written by Kris Bagwell with EUS/Screen Gems on behalf 15 film and TV production-related companies in Georgia

“I write to you with a serious, immediate concern. Very suddenly, tens of thousands of Georgians employed in our state’s film and television industry are worried about their job opportunities moving out of state fast,” Bagwell said in the letter.

Those workers are worried about the film industry’s reaction to Georgia’s new heartbeat abortion bill, signed into law by Kemp last month.

Netflix, Disney and others have stated they would rethink their investments in Georgia if that law goes into effect.


The letter invited the governor to their facilities for a series of conversations.

“We think that hearing directly from you will make a dramatic impact and help to shift the conversation back to a positive note while also reassuring all Georgia voters that their state won’t have to replace 96,000 high-paying jobs that you and we, together, have spent over a decade creating,” Bagwell said in the letter.

Meanwhile, pro-life advocates went on the offensive.

“Georgia has pro-life values, conservative values. We don’t want Hollywood values taking control,” pro-life advocate Carolyn Garcia said.

Georgia Right to Life criticized what they called film industry intimidation and encouraged customers to cancel their Netflix subscriptions.

“Outside forces who don’t share pro-life values are threatening to damage our state’s economy because they don’t respect personhood of pre-born babies,” said Zemmie Fleck, with Georgia Right to Life.

Elliot contacted Bagwell for comment Tuesday. He told Elliot he had none but said the letter spoke for itself.

A representative for the governor told Elliot that Kemp will remain a strong supporter of people working in Georgia’s film and television industry.

Some industry experts think as many as 30 percent of film and TV production-related companies could leave the state of Georgia if the law goes into effect.

The ACLU has said it plans to file a lawsuit against the law by the end of the summer.

The heartbeat abortion law is set to take effect Jan. 1.

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