
Pit bull credited with saving woman's life in Gwinnett County

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. — Bruce would not stop whining and scratching at the door Tuesday.

The urgency of the noises drew Abby Leathers over to let out her pit bull out the front door, which was strange, since he usually goes out back.

Bruce, who is named after Batman's alter ego, ran outside and directly to a pond where a half-naked woman was standing in the water trembling, confused and scared, Leathers said.


The woman, who did not speak English, and Leathers were unable to communicate. Leathers got some towels and dry clothes for the woman and called 911.

Police and paramedics responded. Her family had reported her missing and arrived shortly after as well.

"It was an eventful morning, and someone's mom and grandmother did not freeze or drown in a pond because of my wonderful pitty bull Bruce," Leathers said.

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Bruce saved a lady's life today. He really is a wonder dog. This morning when I woke up, I made a cup of tea and settled down to watch an episode of Batman, as most 28 year olds do. Bruce sat at the front door whining and sniffing, which I thought weird and annoying, as he usually goes out back. The whines became more urgent so I got up with a huff and went to take him for a walk out front. Once the door was open, Bruce bolted to the right side of my house towards the small pond. I followed him as quickly as I could only to find him at the edge of the pond. Just beyond him, in the water, was a half-naked, elderly woman. I immediately tied his leash to a tree and waded into the water some to get her. She was trembling, confused, and scared. Bruce and I brought her in, dried her off, clothed her and gave her some hot tea. Despite my best attempts, I could not discern what language she was using, her name, where she lived or anything useful. She kept motioning to her ears so I assumed she was deaf or hearing impaired. Bruce was praetorian in his watch. 💞 I had called 911 and they responded very quickly. Soon I had 3 cops, 3 paramedics, and one very confused and lost woman wearing my robe in my living room. Eventually, the police said they had received a call about a missing elderly woman nearby. Her family rushed over and identified her. She was speaking an Ethiopian dialect known as Amharic. I had no chance of verbally communicating with her, but I held her hands when she extended hers so I hope it helped. It was an eventful morning, and someone's mom and grandmother did not freeze or drown in a pond because of my wonderful pitty bull Bruce. Now, if only you'd hear this pitbull story on the news. #notabully #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #pibble #pibblesofinstagram #velvethippo #dogsofinstagram #dogs #wedontdeservedogs #herodog #gwinnett #gwinnettcounty #localnews #proudmama

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