
Trump campaign to file ‘major lawsuit’ against Georgia over election

ATLANTA — The Trump campaign legal team announced that they would be filing “a major lawsuit” in Georgia over the November election, just hours before losing another battle in federal court.

Attorney Lin Wood appeared in federal court on Thursday arguing that Georgia’s election should not be certified and another hand recount should be conducted. The judge denied that emergency motion just before 6 p.m. on Thursday.

Hours earlier, Trump campaign attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani held a news conference in Washington laying out how they would argue that the general election was actually won by President Donald Trump.

Among the things Guiliani laid out, he said the legal team would be filing a lawsuit in Georgia on Friday.

“In the city of Atlanta, Republicans were not allowed to watch the absentee mail-in ballot process. Inspections completely cast aside. And we have numerous double voters. We have numerous out of state voters. And we have specific evidence of intimidation and changes of votes. That will all be in the lawsuit that comes out tomorrow,” Guiliani said.

State elections officials have said throughout the election process that there has been no evidence election fraud in the November election.

The state’s audit has turned up uncounted votes in Floyd, Fayette, Walton and Douglas counties. President Donald Trump picked up 1,375 votes in total but still trails Joe Biden by just under 13,000 votes.

“Just those four as far as I know, because nobody’s changed their otherwise vote totals that they had already sent him to certify,” said Gabriel Sterling with the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office. “It still doesn’t even come close to changing the outcome.”


Guiliani said the audit won’t make a difference.

“The recount being done in Georgia will tell us nothing because these fraudulent ballots will just be counted again because they wouldn’t supply the signatures to match the ballots,” Guiliani said.

Despite Guiliani’s claims, he did not provide any specific examples of the allegations he brought up.

This would be the second lawsuit the campaign has filed in the state over the election.

Earlier in the month, the Trump campaign filed suit in Chatham County over 50 absentee ballots, arguing that the county was not following correct procedure when it came to late absentee ballots.

The Trump campaign said in the suit that election officials improperly counted absentee ballots received after the state’s 7 p.m. deadline on Election Day. They asked the judge to order Georgia election officials to follow the law on storing and counting absentee ballots.

After county officials provided evidence to prove all ballots were legitimate and late ballots were not being accepted, the suit was dismissed.