
The world’s oldest active time capsule is here in Georgia

ATLANTA — It may look like an strange door, but behind it lies the world’s oldest time capsule – and it’s right here in metro Atlanta.

Channel 2’s Mark Arum found this incredible “roadside attraction” at Oglethorpe University in Brookhaven.

In 1936, Oglethorpe’s president decided it was his generation's duty to preserve life in the 20th century for future historians.

President Thornwell Jacobs dubbed it the "the crypt of civilization." He put some odd things inside the 20-by-10-foot room.

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It includes books, a plastic bird, an ash tray, Donald Duck, a can of beer, fake fingernails, a cigarette holder and cufflinks.

The school welded the door shut in 1940. It won't be reopened until May 28, 8113.

[PHOTOS: Georgia’s odd roadside attractions]

Obviously, you can’t go inside the capsule, but you can visit the stainless-steel door.


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