
Fog, light rain will impact AM commute

Thursday afternoon weather forecast 

ATLANTA — The heaviest rain has moved out, but fog and light rain will impact your Friday morning commute.

A system moved into Georgia early Thursday morning and dumped a lot of rain across metro Atlanta.

As of Thursday at 6 p.m., we had received about an inch of rain in Atlanta.

[DOWNLOAD: WSB-TV's Weather App for alerts on rain and storms]

We'll show you the areas that could see the most rain over the next couple days, on The Channel 2 Action News Nightbeat at 11.

What Can Viewers Only Get on TV:

1.    Tracking the rain with Georgia's most powerful weather radar, Stormtracker 2HD
2.    Updated data that we receive every hour showing the rain temporarily clearing out then returning this evening
3.    Fresh models showing where snow showers are possible Friday night

You will eventually see the weather dry out for a nice and cool Christmas.