
Florida man claims he was punched on Independence Day for Trump flag in his yard

A man in Boynton Beach, Florida, says he was attacked on the Fourth of July because of a flag supporting President Donald Trump that is planted in this front yard.

Jeff Good told WPTV in West Palm Beach that he was watching fireworks from his driveway when a car approached and a man started yelling "vile things about our president."

According to Good, the man demanded Good remove the flag. When Good refused, the man allegedly punched him. Good said he tried to strike back, but the driver began to speed off. Good said his arm was still caught in the vehicle, leading to him being dragged about 30 feet.

"I have some bumps and bruises that I don’t think you want to see," Good told WPTV as he revealed cuts and scrapes on his hands and elbows. "My political goal here is just to express my love for this president and for somebody to punch you in the face for just presenting the flag to the public, that is enough said right there."

"Everybody needs to be a little bit civil," Good said. "I mean it's a pretty simple thing to do. We all get to enjoy the benefits of this country.

Boynton Beach police told the South Florida Sun Sentinel the suspect is an older white male driving a two-door silver car.

Donald Tarca Jr., a man who said he was a neighbor of Good's, posted a description of the incident on Facebook Thursday morning that appeared to corroborate Good's description events.

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