Rockdale County

Teacher says student suspended for handing out fentanyl-laced candy at metro middle school

ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. — A middle school student has been suspended after bringing drug-laced candy to school.

Administrators from the same school suspended another student on the same day for bringing an airsoft gun onto campus, but the incidents are not related.

When Channel 2′s Tyisha Fernandes asked district administrators what drug the candy was laced with, they said they weren’t sure.

A teacher at Edwards Middle School in Rockdale County told Fernandes the candy was laced with fentanyl.

A photo from Thursday shows the packaging of the candy, which calls them “medicated Skittles.”

Bishop Timothy Little said he’s not surprised that kids this young are getting caught with such things.

“A lot of these children are growing up too fast because the parents letting them grow up too fast,” Little said.

The school principal, Tosha Williams, sent out an email saying the candy had an illegal substance in it. She did not say what the substance was.


Fernandes learned this omission was because administrators don’t know. A teacher told Fernandes that the candy was laced with fentanyl and that teacher wants parents to know so they can talk to their children about it.

“Teach your kid not to just take random candy from people because you don’t know what’s in it. I mean, it goes back to being careful what you eat at Halloween, you know what I mean?” Little said.

District administrators told Fernandes that they teach students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol throughout the year, and they have special programs for students who have violated the code of conduct with illegal substances.

Little said you can’t put the blame on teachers and other staff.

“School ain’t what it used to be and we can’t put it all on the teachers either because a lot of it is coming from the parents who are allowing their children to hang with anything and anybody,” Little said.

The student who was caught with a paintball-type of airsoft gun was also suspended.

These are serious offenses that can follow students forever. Administrators say its important for parents to talk to their children about these incidents.


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