
Parents fear for daughter after allegations she leaked report

AUGUSTA, Ga. — The parents of an alleged NSA leaker say they are worried for their daughter’s safety.

Channel 2's Nicole Carr talked to the parents of Reality Winner for their first television interview since Winner was arrested and charged with leaking top-secret NSA documents tied to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Carr spoke with the Texas couple in Winner's driveway, the same place she was arrested as the FBI raided the home over the weekend.

Winner's parents are vowing to stay in Georgia to see their daughter through what's becoming one of the biggest national security scandals of our time.

“This is all really shocking and overwhelming," stepfather Gary Davis told Carr. “What's happened is a whole lot more than what we expected.

“What's your biggest concern right now?” Carr asked Winner’s mother, Billie Winner-Davis.

"Her safety, and whether she's going to be OK and whether she's going to be treated fairly,” Winner-Davis told Carr.

Visibly unsettled, the Texas couple aimed to dispel what they believe are myths about the Air Force veteran they proclaim a patriot.

"There's so many ugly things out there. She doesn't deserve that. I just want her to be treated fairly," Winner-Davis said about her daughter.

Winner called her stepfather Saturday after the FBI arrested her at her Augusta home.

The 25-year-old government contractor is accused of sending media a top-secret NSA report. According to The Intercept, it describes a cyberattack on a U.S. voting software supplier at the hands of Russian military intelligence.

“As far as the allegations, are they …,” Carr said.

“I can't speak to that. I don't know anything about that, if she did whatever they're alleging she did. I haven't had a chance to talk to her about that,” Davis said, cutting Carr off.

"If she did something wrong, yes, pay for it, but I don't want her out there like, making a case on her. What am I trying to say? Hanging her out (to dry), you know? She doesn't deserve anything more than she should get,” Winner-Davis said.

The parents vowed to stay right in Georgia to see Winner through all of her legal trouble. She's due in federal court Thursday afternoon.

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