
Owner of dog that attacked woman causing her to have part of leg amputated cited again, reports say

COLUMBUS, Ga. — The owner of a dog that attacked and severely injured a Columbus woman has been cited again over the same attack.

Kim Golden continues to recover at Grady Memorial Hospital after the dog attacked her on March 1.

Golden works for a nonprofit that finds housing for people in need.

She was with another co-worker checking out a property when the dog attacked her. Her injuries were so severe that part of her left leg had to be amputated.

“I’m walking around to the front while I check the side of the house, and the next thing I remember is the dog was kind of coming up. I actually thought he was being friendly. Next thing, I know he is on my leg,” Golden told WTVM-TV.

The dog’s owner, Edward Murray, told the TV station that he felt bad about what happened to her.

“I do feel some kind of responsibility knowing that she got bit,” Murray said.

Despite his feelings, Murray said Golden still shouldn’t have been on his property.


“I feel that if somebody cross the line and they see those signs and they cross the line, it’s their problem,” he told the TV station.

WTVM went back out to talk to Murray this week and while they were interviewing him, animal control showed up.

“Another citation for my dog doing his job,” is what Murray said he received from them.

The citation was for a man who was allegedly bitten between his legs while helping the female victim during the attack, the TV station reported.

“A copy of the citation says the dog owner violated a city ordinance. That ordinance classifies what happened as a public nuisance that would have still been illegal whether the dog was confined by a fence, leash, or chain or its owner would have spoken up to intervene,” WTVM reported.

Murray said despite the citation, he still planned on bringing the dog, which has been in quarantine since the attack, home on Thursday.


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