Newton County

Family searches for man who disappeared while fishing

NEWTON COUNTY, Ga. — Police, friends and family are searching for a man who disappeared while fishing in Newton County.

Johnny Green was fishing with a friend at Lake Jackson on Sunday.

His friend said Green told him he was going to get some cigarettes from his truck, but he never returned.

“I was worried because how do you go fishing with a friend and you vanish?” Green’s brother James said.

The Newton County Sheriff’s Office calls the disappearance suspicious.

James Green has been out searching for clues in his brother’s disappearance.

“I’ve tried to sit at home and not search. I’m more comfortable and feel like I’m doing something positive by searching, so I go,” he said.

Family members say Johnny Green, a husband and father of three, would not willing walk away from his family.


“The fear is what everybody fears – that something went down somewhere. You never know, but that’s what the fear is,” James Green said.

Johnny Green’s friend said he found his truck still parked along the lake. Searchers later found his cellphone a few feet away in the woods.

After several days of canvassing the area on land, by boat and in the air, searchers have not found anything else.

Family members said they will keep searching until they have answers.

“We’re holding it together, but it’s going to boil over. Definitely going to boil over soon. If we had answers we may be able to find peace, but no answers, no rest,” James Green said.

The Sheriff’s Office is handling the case as a missing persons case because they have not found any evidence of foul play.

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