Henry County

Family of woman found dead in Henry County says police should have listened to them

HENRY COUNTY, Ga. — A family is devastated after finding out Wednesday that the second victim’s remains found behind a busy shopping plaza in Henry County is their loved one, Conteshia McCoy.

McCoy’s family spoke with Channel 2′s Tyisha Fernades shortly after officials confirmed McCoy’s identity.

They told her they had a feeling they knew who did this to their loved one and shared that information with police.

For some reason, the family said police just didn’t go after the man they are now calling the killer.

Her mother, CoCo McCoy, told Fernandes that she is heartbroken and has been wondering for the last five months why her 19-year-old daughter disappeared.

“Conteshia, that was my baby,” CoCo McCoy said. “It’s just like how I felt in February when I knew something was wrong with my child.”

Police say Conteshia’s former coworker, Dennis Lane, killed her and killed the other woman whose remains were found in the same place.

Lane is charged with murder, along with his brother Cleounsee Fisher, and Ronisha Preckwinkle.


Conteshia’s mother said she met Lane briefly in February and she did not like him

She said her feelings were soon validated when the two broke up and she said Lane started harassing her daughter at her new job.

“He went up there to her job looking for her, and I told her well, on your next off day we need to go take a TPO out on him. She was like ‘Don’t worry mom, you know. I’m a be alright. He’s not going to mess with me.’ And then Feb. 13 of this year at 7:22, that was the last time I saw her,” CoCo McCoy said. “If I would’ve known that was the last time I was going to see my baby, I would’ve told her don’t go nowhere with him. I would’ve told her I love her.”

The victim’s family told Fernades that they wish Locust Grove police had listened to them when they told detectives Lane kept calling them, sounding like he was guilty of something

“One time we were at Lowe’s, and he called, and he was like, ‘I’m sorry,’ and I said, ‘What the F you sorry for? What in the F did you do to my child?’ And he was like, ‘I can’t, I can’t,’” CoCo McCoy said. “We told the police about all that. Absolutely nothing. If that wasn’t enough for you to go and look for my child, then what was it? Five months later, I don’t get to put my baby in no dress. No, none of that. I don’t get to fix her hair. I don’t get to kiss her. I don’t get to do none of that when it comes to burying my child. I’m forced to cremation.”

learned that McCoy’s cellphone kept pinging in Stockbridge near Lane’s home and someone changed her passwords.

The family believe that police should’ve known then that Lane was the murder suspect.


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