
Father-and-son duo uses downtime to create books on African American history

ATLANTA — Michael and Matthew Carson work together to create books that highlight the lives of many African Americans. The father- and-son team began their literary journey a couple of years ago. Matthew’s second grade class project sparked the interest for the pair, and they haven’t looked back since.

“In teaching him, I was teaching myself things I didn’t even know,” Michael Carson said. Michael saw this as an opportunity to educate others. A book on African American history followed.


Last year, with the pandemic in full swing and summer vacation being canceled, Michael and Matthew decided to collaborate.

“What we did was we bounced ideas off one another,” Michael Carson said.

The Carsons decided on a book about African Americans that strongly influenced music.

The pair took their books on the road to promote their work. While at a book signing, the Carsons met then-Sen. Kamala Harris. She happens to be featured in one of the three books written by the Carsons so far.

“My son ran up to her. He knew exactly who she was,” Michael said.

She shared the same excitement in the moment as Matthew. Harris told Matthew that she too was excited to read the book in which she was featured.

The Carsons are planning on writing more books together in the future. However, when asked about future plans, Matthew said, “I think I want to be like my dad. A writer.”

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