
Officer's response to girl trying to steal $2 shoes for younger sister will bring you to tears

ATLANTA — An Atlanta police officer went above the call of duty and used his own money to help a girl who was caught shoplifting.

A 12-year-old girl, who has four siblings, wanted to do something nice for one of her younger sisters who could not afford a pair of shoes. In desperation, she tried to steal a $2 pair from a Family Dollar store for her 5-year-old sister but was caught.

After speaking with the 12-year-old, Officer Che Milton was curious to see what the girl's living conditions were like, so he took her home.

(Credit: Officer Che Milton) 

When Milton pulled up to the house, his heart broke and their reality started to set in.

Walking into the house he saw that there were not enough beds for all of the children and the only furniture in the house was an old sofa.

There was hardly any food in the house.

The children's mother told Milton that she did not work because she could not afford day care for the smaller children. She said her husband works in and out of town but does not make much money.


Instantly, Milton knew he desperately wanted to help this family.

Milton contacted DFACS to find out if a social worker could help the family with their living situation, then bought four pizzas and two large beverages for the family, paying for the food himself and delivering it.

The Atlanta Police Department said Milton's actions showed that not only does he enforce the law, he goes the extra mile to be a bigger part of the community that he is policing.

Milton tells Channel 2 Action News he is overwhelmed by the amount of support he's received since the story got out. Hundreds of people have shared his story and have asked to help the family.

"Thank you everyone," Milton said. "I really, really appreciate all the kind words. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you all."

If anyone would like to help the family, Milton tells Channel 2 Action News that he will be posting clothing sizes for the children on the Atlanta Police Department Facebook page as soon as he's able to gather the information.

When the department recieves the sizes, you can drop them off at the Zone 1 precinct located at 2315 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Donations will be accepted from 8 am – 6 pm, Monday - Friday.

For more information or questions, contact APD Public Affairs at

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