
Bill that would have stopped 40-year liens gets new life in Georgia Senate

ATLANTA — There’s new life for a proposed bill that would outlaw a key part of controversial real estate contracts we have been telling you about in a series of Channel 2 Action News investigations.

Channel 2 Action News has reported for months on MV Realty’s controversial 40-year listing agreements.

They require homeowners to use MV Realty when selling their property and result in liens for thousands of dollars if they don’t.


Georgia House Bill 472 would have made those liens illegal. It passed out of committee earlier this month but never got a vote on a Crossover Day. Because the bill never made it out of the House that day, it was essentially dead for the legislative season.

Now, supporters have added the bill to an existing Senate bill that did make it through on Crossover Day.

That legislation, Senate Bill 90, passed out of the banking committee on Monday, so the bill still has a chance of becoming law this session.


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