
7 siblings adopted together in Georgia after years in foster care

EFFINGHAM COUNTY, Ga. — After being in foster care for 1,359 days, seven siblings have been adopted all together to one Georgia family.

It all started when Jessaka Clark and her husband, Josh, decided they wanted to adopt 2 years ago.

They learned about their super seven in April 2016 and told Channel 2’s Kimberly Richardson they immediately started the process to bring them home.

(Credit: Jenna Davis Photography) 

“They moved in with us on Aug. 5 and have been waiting every day for our court date to finalize,” Jessaka Clark said.

That day finally arrived on May 9.

On the way to the courthouse to finalize adoption, Josh Clark posted an adorable video on his Facebook page, showing the excitement the entire family was feeling.


"We are all super excited," Josh Clark said before the adoption. "They have been up since 6, screaming and running around the house."

The family of three quickly turned into a family of 10, and Jessaka, Josh, Maria, Elizabet, Guillermo, Jason, Kristina, Katerin, James and Noah could not be happier.

“We love our family, and as difficult as it can be, we wouldn't change it,” Jessaka Clark said.

When the adoption was finalized at the courthouse, the Clarks’ biological son, Noah, held up a sign that read, “I was an only child for 1,426 days. But today, May 9, 2017, I became a little brother.”

Jessaka Clark told Richardson that adoption has always had a huge place in her heart as her parents were foster parents for most of her life.

After 5 years, her parents adopted her two brothers and since then have taken a new role in helping children who have aged out of the system and are having difficult times.

May is National Foster Care month and the Clarks hoped their story shed a little light on the crisis in the country of fatherless children.

If anyone would like to help the Clark family raise money for their new family,they can  donate HERE. They are currently living in a three bedroom home and would love to get a home with more bedrooms so they can continue their adoption journey.

Posted by Jessaka Clark on Tuesday, May 9, 2017

This picture sums it all up!! 13,000 children in foster care in the state of Georgia... minus 7!!!

Posted by Jessaka Clark on Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Thank you Yavonna for the awesome car makeover!

Posted by Jessaka Clark on Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Going to the school right now to change my babies name!!! Woohoo!! #ClarkClan

Posted by Jessaka Clark on Wednesday, May 10, 2017
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