
Clinton, Trump deadlocked in latest Georgia poll

A new poll shows Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received a bump after the Democratic National Convention and is now tied with Republican candidate Donald Trump in Georgia.

The exclusive Channel 2 Action News poll conducted by Landmark/Rosetta Stone polled nearly 800 likely Georgia voters. The poll, conducted over the weekend, found Trump and Clinton deadlocked with 45 percent of the vote.


Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received 4 percent, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein received 1 percent. Only 3 percent of voters are undecided. The poll has a margin of error of 3.5 percent.

The poll also asked voters about Clinton's truthfulness and Trump's temperament.

Only 34 percent think Clinton has been generally truthful about keeping her emails stored on a private server while serving as Secretary of State. About half of those polled said the Clinton email story is very important to their decision in the voting booth, while half said it wasn't important at all.

Voters were also asked if Donald Trump has the temperament to be president. A majority, 52 percent of Georgians in the poll, said he did not.




Republican strategist Brian Robinson told Channel 2's Lori Geary that as long as Trump stays on message, he'll do fine in Georgia.

"He needs to direct all of that negative attention onto Hillary Clinton, he needs to call her out as an unacceptable alternative," Robinson said.

He believes it was a bad political move for Trump to attack the Muslim family of a slain American soldier.

Democratic strategist Tharon Johnson says the Georgia poll bodes well for Clinton in other battleground states.

"If we're doing this well in a state like Georgia, we've got to be doing well in states like North Carolina and Florida," said Johnson.

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