
Emojis recreate Star Wars: The Force Awakens

We know you are obsessed with Star Wars (so are we) – but here is a version of the movie you have NEVER seen.

Add one part action, one part excitement and two part cuteness and you have Star Wars: The Force Awakens as told by Emoji. And it comes at the perfect timing: May the 4th (Be With You.)

The video lovingly recreates the blockbuster film, adding in additional flourishes like the TR-8R meme and 3D space explosions, but with the adorable symbols we all know and love.




Disney has released emoji versions of the classic films






and “Frozen Fever” but this is the first version for the Star Wars franchise.

May 4, or, "May the 4th Be With You," marks a celebration of all things "Star Wars."

According to

, the unofficial holiday was first marked in 1979 after Margaret Thatcher won the election to become Britain's first female prime minister.

May is a notable month for the popular franchise: The original "Star Wars" premiered on May 25, 1977, and its creator, George Lucas, will turn 72 on May 14.

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