South Fulton County

Need help paying rent? The City of South Fulton is offering new assistance

SOUTH FULTON, Ga. — If you live in the City of South Fulton and are having a hard time paying your rent or mortgage because of the pandemic, help is on the way.

It’s all part of the funding from Congress to help local governments get their communities back on their feet.

The City of South Fulton will get $4.14 million from the county as its share of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economics Security (CARES) Act, according to the city manager Odie Donald.

“Our citizens like our government have been hit really, really hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment has risen quite a bit, people are having difficulties paying their rent as well as their mortgage,” Donald said.

Everyone in South Fulton is not eligible, however. This relief is for people who live within the city limits and have been impacted by the pandemic.


“When it comes to rental or mortgage assistance it would be folks who have been displaced by jobs or behind on their rent or mortgage,” Donald explained.

Channel 2′s Lauren Pozen spoke to several people who live down the street from Westlake High School. For many of them, the relief couldn’t come at a better time.

The City of South Fulton will also use some of the funds to help small businesses in the city.

“They have an employee base of 250 or less, and they will need to be able to provide payroll assistance or to keep people attached to their payroll small eligibility criterial,” Donald said.

The City of South Fulton is putting finishing touches on the application process and they are working to have the application on the city’s website by October 22nd, which is next Thursday.

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