
“I think it’s a God thing” -- Police investigator finds brothers she never knew about

A Brookhaven police officer investigated her own background and found three brothers she never knew she had.

Two of those brothers worked in public service. And all three of them grew up in the area she now polices.

“I think it’s a God thing. I mean, I was going through a very rough time in my life and, don’t make me cry, I’m just very happy,” said Brookhaven Police Criminal Investigations Commander Major Linda Burke.

Burke said earlier this year she decided to investigate herself.

“I was adopted when I was born,” Burke said.

While she recovered from surgery that has left her voice impaired, she wanted to find out more about the mother who gave her up for adoption.

Her mother was 19 and unmarried when she moved from California to Georgia in 1961 to have her. All of her life, she wondered if she had siblings.

“Growing up, I always wondered where I belonged, who I belonged to. Now I know,” Burke said.

Not only did she find out she had them, but like her, Bruce and Danny Koshkin were both career public safety.

“It was uncanny that she was in public safety as a police officer and I had been too,” said Bruce Koshkin.

And Danny Koshkin still lives in the city she polices, Brookhaven.

When asked if Burke had any ties to Brookhaven before coming there, she said, “None whatsoever.”

“Prior to coming to work here, you had no ties to Brookhaven? None whatsoever

“It’s got to be an act of God,” Danny Koshkin said.

Bruce Koshkin said he was with DeKalb police, Dekalb fire rescue and the DeKalb Medical Examiner's office for a total of 24 years.

Danny Koshkin said he's been with Dekalb fire rescue 18 years.

When asked if their mother ever told them they had a half-sister, Danny Koshkin said no.

“Even in her last days,” Danny Koshkin said.

Burke said she reached out to the Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry and Bruce Koshkin said he got a letter from the registry he thought was a scam until weeks later Burke texted him.

He pulled his car over in shock.

Danny Koshkin said Bruce Koshkin emailed him and a thousand and one emotions flooded in.

“The moment he met her he started crying, tears welled up in his eyes and he knew immediately,” Bruce Koshkin said.

“It was like I was looking at mom again,” Danny Koshkin said.

Channel 2’s Mark Winne learned there’s another brother, too, Jeffrey Koshkin. His brothers said he was shocked too but has embraced his sister just like they have.

Burke said she now knows later the year she was born her mom married the Koshkins' dad.

“I can’t think of a better Christmas gift than my sister,” Bruce Koshkin said.

“She asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I said I already got it,” Danny Koshkin said.

“Truly is joyous,” Bruce Koshkin said.

When asked where they go from now – Danny Koshkin said, “Forward. Forward together.”

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