Henry County

This is the latest Confederate statue that could be on the chopping block

HENRY COUNTY, Ga. — A local group says a Confederate monument in front of a courthouse is offensive and needs to come down.

Supporters of the monument say the group needs to get a life.

Channel 2's Tom Jones was there as both sides stood near the monument on the McDonough Square and debated the issue.

"This is put here to remind us what we did wrong in the past," Carl Swensson, a Henry County resident insisted. "It doesn't say what we did wrong. That looks like it is in honor of," said members of the Young Democrats of Henry and DeKalb counties.

Swensson told the group these days everyone is super sensitive about every little issue.

"Are you trying to make the monument politically correct?" he asked.

"No. I’m trying to make the monument truthful," responded John Jackson.


The Young Democrats of Henry County and DeKalb County want the monument to Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War removed.

They say it's offensive and sends the wrong message. "It's a symbol of oppression to many people here living in Georgia," Jackson said.

“I want this removed. I want this removed from all county property. All city property," said Simeon Nunnally.

There is an effort to remove Confederate symbols like this one all over the country. The Young Democrats say monuments like this honor those who supported white supremacy, slavery and seceding from the United States.

A spokesperson for the Sons of Confederate Veterans say the monument serves as a place where they can come and remember loved ones lost in the war.

Charles Lunsford wondered are we now under rules where if someone doesn't like a monument it has to go?

The anti-monument group says if it sends the wrong message: Yes.

Carl Swensson disagrees and says those who want the monument removed need to loosen up a bit.

"Get a life. Toughen up a little bit. We need to remember history lest we repeat it," he said.

The groups plan to ask the city and the county to support the removal of this monument.

McDonough's mayor says he hasn't heard anything about removing the monument.

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