Gwinnett County

Judge resigns after comparing protesters to ISIS

GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — UPDATE: Judge James Hinkle resigned Wednesday.


A Gwinnett County judge is off the bench after posting what some people believe are controversial comments about Confederate monuments and protestors.

On his page, Judge James Hinkle posted: "It looks like all of the snowflakes have no concept of history. It is what it is. Get over it and move on."

In another post, he observed how all the Confederate monuments in Virginia have the rear ends of horses facing north, he wrote in all caps: "PERFECT TUESDAY MORNING," and added, "The nut cases tearing down monuments are equivalent to ISIS destroying history."

Gwinnett's chief magistrate judge suspended Hinkle immediately Tuesday afternoon after being alerted to the post.


Judge James Hinkle serves Cobb County.

Some residents, like Donna McCloud, worry he can’t be impartial on the bench and doesn’t believe the punishment is harsh enough.

“He has this position as a judge and he doesn’t' see that it's pertinent that he acts different and do things differently. ISIS really,” she said.

McCloud says she almost started crying when she read the Facebook posts on Saturday, one hour before a man drove his car into a group of protestors in Charlottesville.

“It really just kind of punched me in the stomach,” she said.

Chief Judge Kristina Blum wrote in a statement: "I have made it clear to all of our judges to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity, impartiality, and fairness of the judiciary. I consider any violation of those principles and policies to be a matter of utmost concern."

When reached by phone, Hinkle said he didn't see anything controversial about the statements.  Then later refused to comment.

Hinkle served as Grayson’s mayor for 25 years. He's currently a part time magistrate judge for Gwinnett County.

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