
GDOT wants to pay you to try a new way to get to work

Alternate commutes

ATLANTA — Georgia Department of Transportation officials said even with the June 15 deadline, they have crews working around the clock to try to get the Interstate 85 bridge up as fast as possible.

But in the meantime, Channel 2's Dave Huddleston learned how drivers can make money by trying a new way to get to work.

Drivers can receive $5 a day, up to $150, if you sign up for their Georgia Commuter App and commit to using an eco-friendly way to get to work. Drivers have 90 days to earn the full amount.

"Ride share, van-pooling, teleworking, biking, MARTA transit. So many options you think of before because you didn't have to," said GDOT spokesperson Natalie Dale.


It will be months before the interstate is back up but Dale said they have demolition and construction working side by side.

"We'll see very soon some of that first concrete being poured, which is a good first step in getting that bridge back up,” Dale said.

Georgia commute options have been around for 19 years, when Atlanta hosted the 1996 Olympics.

“Unfortunately, a lot of people haven't looked into these free alternatives, these free services from Georgia Commute Alternatives until now,” Dale said.

But with a major traffic artery clogged, officials hope that's enough incentive for drivers to check out Georgia commute options and get paid.

Since the bridge collapse, GDOT officials have seen a 50 percent increase in drivers looking for new ways to get to work.

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