Fayette County

16-year-old killed by woman accused of driving while high

FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. — Police say a driver high on prescription drugs hit two people, killing a 16-year-old girl.

The incident happened Saturday morning in the 400 block of Hood Avenue in Fayetteville.

Caelyn Adams was passing out fliers for her dad’s church when she was hit and killed. %



Witnesses said the driver was out of control, destroying mailboxes before she hit Adams and a woman in her 60s.

“It’s 35 and she was going 60-65 because the impact took the little girl out,” witness Vic Bey said.

Bey said the driver did not stop.

“She put her head down. She knew what she did and she took off,” he said.

Police say the older woman’s husband chased down the driver and alerted nearby authorities.

“He was able to follow the vehicle and get a tag number and really fortunate that a deputy just happened to be in the area,” Fayetteville police Lt. Mike Whitlow said.

Marcia Demarcus, 42, was arrested minutes later.

She is charged with vehicular homicide and driving under the influence of prescription drugs, among other charges.

“People get a little more relaxed because it’s a prescription, but if it’s a narcotic, it’s something that can affect your driving. You don’t need to be out on the road,” Whitlow said.

“It’s a horrible, senseless act that definitely could have been avoided,” Bey said. %



Adams’ father is the preacher at Middle Fayette Church of Christ.

Services at the church were canceled over the weekend into this week.

Adams’ family said it is staying strong and thanks everyone for their prayers.

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