
Bondsmen accused of holding family hostage

GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. — Two out-of-state bail bondsman have been arrested for kidnapping, false imprisonment, and first degree home invasion, after police say they held a Gwinnett County family hostage Sunday morning on Castlebrooke Way.

Tiffany Hayes told Channel 2 Action News two bail bondsmen came down from Tennessee and broke into her Gwinnett County home on Castlebrooke Way. She said they were looking for her husband who is accused of not showing up for traffic court.

When they couldn’t find him, police say the bondsmen held the family hostage as some kind of ransom.

There were seven children in the house and one of them caught the whole thing on cell phone video. In the video, you can see the bondsmen walking throughout the house with guns drawn, and threatening to shoot the children.

“I told you to go in the room and close the door before you get shot,” said the one of the bondsmen.

“It’s just not consistent with any reasonable thinking,” said Gwinnett County Sgt. Rich Long.

Police say Khalil Abdullah and Kevin Roberson broke the law when they detained the childrens' mother in the house and harassed this family. Legally, they were supposed to notify local police before they did anything in the state of Georgia since they’re allegedly licensed in Tennessee.

“These individuals were not even operating on a lawful basis to begin an operation, let alone what they did once they initiated contact,” said Long.

Abdullah and Roberson are due in court on Monday.

Police say the bondsmen will probably face more charges as they investigate this case.

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