Barrow County

Family says man stabbed to death protecting autistic relative

BARROW COUNTY, Ga. — Two lives were lost when a man pulled a knife at home in Barrow County Tuesday, but relatives say 50-year-old Stanley Ivy was the victim here.

"He just always tried to help other people," said friend Chris Willis

That's exactly what family friends claim Ivy was trying to do just before the attack when he opened his doors to a man they say was having personal problems. %



"The guy that he let come over, trying to help him out. Had a bad moment in some way and took a knife and put it to Stanley's brother-in-law's neck," Willis said.

Ivy stepped in.

He worked as a climber for a cellphone tower company. He was a husband and father of two. Tuesday, he was killed.

"Trying to save his autistic younger brother-in-law," Willis said. “He was trying to save Bubba and the guy stabbed him."'

Barrow County deputies responded to Old Hog Mountain Road just after 4 p.m. Tuesday.

Ivy died at the scene. The alleged attacker died on the way to the hospital after relatives say others at the house went after him.

"There were others there and the guy was running around with a knife and he ended up being put out of commission,” Willis said. "It was either them do it or him stab them."

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is helping to process evidence due to the large area of the crime scene.

The alleged attacker has not yet been identified.

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