
GDOT: Expect 30 percent longer commute Monday

ATLANTA — The Georgia Department of Transportation fears the I-85 collapse will increase everyone's commute Monday morning.

Crews are making progress at the collapse site and traffic isn't as bad now as it might be next week.

With spring break over Monday, GDOT is expecting a significant increase in the number of cars on the road.


The department said they expect a 20 percent increase in volume, which will lead to 30 percent longer commute times metrowide.

“I hope no one has a false sense of security. Right now, I think it’s going to get a lot worse,” real estate agent Rachel Grindrod said.

GDOT is strongly encouraging businesses to allow employees to do what they can to stay off the road

Coca-Cola released a statement touting its “Coca-Cola Commutes” program.

“During this affected time period, associates, especially those who live in the northern suburbs, are strongly encouraged to get to know these serves,” the company said.

Coke offers a $50 subsidy for monthly mass transit passes and will give employees a free 10-trip pass to sign up.

AT&T said it is providing alternate work locations for its workers.

“We are encouraging employees whose job duties allow to telecommute. We’re also reminding employees about alternatives such as MARTA and carpooling services,” the company said.

Georgia Power is also doing its part to clear up the roads.

“We are continuing to encourage employees affected by the I-85 road closure to work with their supervisors to consider appropriate options such as telecommuting, alternative work locations and/or altered work schedules,” the company said in a statement.

Neighbors hope the Monday morning drive will be as smooth as possible.

“Leave early, that’s my advice. Just leave a little bit early, but I think it will be OK. I think we have friendly drivers in Atlanta, so I think it’ll go pretty smooth,” driver Lynn Welch said.

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