
Former Falcons player helps donate new home to single mom

ATLANTA — A single mother was brought to tears this week as she realized her family would have a home for the holidays.

Habitat for Humanity teamed up with former Falcons player Warrick Dunn and the Aaron’s Foundation to present Quita Burney and her two children with their new home,

Dunn, who was raised by a single mother, has made it his mission to help hundreds of moms just like his. Burney’s was the 151 home completed by Dunn’s charity.

“This is the holidays. You want to help put smile on individuals’ faces, change someone's life that can impact them long term so I’m definitely thankful that I have the opportunity,” he said.


Burney knew she was receiving a home, but didn’t know the home would be full of furniture, food and other household items. The donations totaled around $40,000.

“I'm a dad and I think of the holidays, how special it is for family, and to see Quita and her children be able to enjoy the holidays here in this brand-new home, it’s wonderful,” said Robbie Kamerschen with the Aaron’s Foundation.

Burney and her children cried as they saw the bedrooms that had been prepared for them.

Quita Burney and her children cried as they saw their home for the first time.

“I’m overwhelmed,” Burney said through tears.

As she received the keys to her new home, she made a promise to pay the mortgage, and said that’s what she wants her children to remember about that day.

“Everyone who helped me, helped my kids have something to have that’s ours, thank you,” she said.

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