What does Atlanta's record population growth mean for traffic?

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ATLANTA — Have you noticed more people in metro Atlanta? You're not alone!

Tens of thousands of people moved to Atlanta over the past year, and they brought their cars with them.

New numbers recently released by the Atlanta Regional Commission (or ARC) show the metro Atlanta population increased by 75,000 people in just the last year.

[READ MORE: Atlanta experiencing serious growth, now has higher population than 25 states]

The population now stands at 4,555,900. That's more than 25 states.

This means more traffic and a big challenge for the Georgia Department of Transportation.

In a statement, GDOT said:

"The major mobility investment projects that we have already begun were carefully studied and planned to address future levels of congestion due to population growth."

Among the projects GDOT believes will help accommodate drivers include the soon-to-open express lanes on I-75 and a plan to do something similar on Georgia Highway 400.


GDOT is also conducting a study on how to improve traffic flow on the Downtown Connector.

The ARC told Channel 2 Action News people come to metro Atlanta for two major reasons: jobs and quality of life.

But some worry the quality of life could decline with more people on the roads.

"Definitely a lot more people, a lot more drivers," Atlanta resident Ty Slagel said.

To get away from it all, Slagel and his girlfriend told Channel 2's Justin Wilfon they are doing the opposite of most people these days. They are moving out of Atlanta.

"I'm definitely looking forward to a little bit less people and little bit less traffic on the roads," Slagel said.

The booming population also impacts the metro in so many other ways, including soaring home prices.