Couple arrested in North Carolina for man's murder after cross-country manhunt

Couple arrested in North Carolina after cross-country manhunt in man's murder

GASTONIA, N.C. — Two suspects have been apprehended after a cross-country manhunt was launched when a Colorado man was found dead inside his home last week, ABC News reports.

Luciano Pogorzelski and Madison Blackburn had been sought in the slaying of 39-year-old Canon City, Colorado man, Richard Fay. He was found dead in the front yard of his home on Sept. 29 from an alleged gunshot wound.

Witnesses recalled seeing a dark-grey 2005 Audi with a Tennessee license plate in the neighborhood prior to hearing the gunshot, police said.

Police, acting on a tip in Gastonia, North Carolina on Oct. 4, began checking possible locations where Pogorzelski and Blackburn could be, according to the Canon City Police Department.


Authorities then managed to locate the couple at a gas station near a relative's home and detained them on unrelated drug charges.

Detectives with the Canon City Police Department flew out to North Carolina to meet with the local authorities there.

Police are now in the process of preparing search warrants for the vehicle, phones and other property that were in the possession of Pogorzelski and Blackburn, according to Canon City Police.

Pogorzelski and Blackburn are currently being held in Gaston County Jail on the drug charges.

This story was written by Jon Haworth for ABC News.