Marietta Square steps up to support popular Santa Claus whose son is battling cancer

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COBB COUNTY, Ga. — On the Marietta Square, Christmas is coming. But this year, someone very special is missing.

Every December for 17 years, Santa "Lamar" has spread holiday cheer for special events. Maggi Moss with the city's parks department has known him since she was in high school.

"He does it year-round, and it's just who he is.  Even years ago when he was my softball coach, he was the same way," Moss said.

Lamar and his wife are in Houston, caring for their son and grandchildren. But folks back in Marietta want him to know he will be missed.

But this year, Lamar's family needs his help. His son is being treated for leukemia.

"Our first thought was we were just worried about his family and worried about him," Marietta Square's Stephanie Coston said.


Kids and kids at heart have stuffed a special mailbox with well wishes and prayers. Santa's Marietta Square family is taking donations to help Lamar get through what may be a difficult season.

Coston says Lamar has always done so much for so many. She says now is the time to show how much he is loved.

"Our hearts are still feeling heavy for him.  We're really trying to do what we can to give back to him," Coston said.

The Marietta Square folks say Santa "Andy" will be handling all the appearances through Christmas.

They say he is going to donate his fee for all the shifts he picks up that Santa Lamar was scheduled to do.

There is a way that you can also help the family. Through December, there will be T-shirts and buttons for sale during Marietta Art Walk to benefit the May family.

You can also purchase these items throughout December at the Marietta Welcome Center at 4 Depot Street. Adult T-shirt sizes are $20 and $15 for youth.

If you'd rather make a financial contribution, you can visit the online Paypal account titled Historic Marietta Square Branding Project, Inc. to make your donation.