Warning travelers! More than a dozen cars broken into at off-site airport parking

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ATLANTA — There's a new warning near the Atlanta airport. Thieves are breaking into vehicles in an off-site parking lot.

College Park police said that the criminals cut the line to the lights in the lot so there's no good surveillance video of their faces. But the family Channel 2's Alyssa Hyman spoke to still wants to know how they managed to get to about 14 cars without getting noticed.

"You park at your own risk, for sure," Carolyn Ford said.

"There was glass all in the seat, all down in the floorboard, all over the dashboard," Ford said.

Ford gave Hyman pictures of her Ford F-150 and the shattered passenger side window.

She and her husband went on vacation last month and parked their car at Preflight Airport Parking, thinking their car would be in a secure location.

But when they returned, "the lady that was driving us back from the airport said the supervisor needed to see us," Ford said.


They learned their truck had been broken into, along with more than a dozen other cars.

Hyman contacted the College Park police. A spokesperson said most of the cars targeted were Ford F-150s and the thieves were likely looking for guns.

Ford said she was told to get two estimates and send it to the general manager, only to find out Preflight's insurance wouldn't cover the incident.

So the Fords had to go through their own insurance, which still cost them the $500 deductible.

"I can't imagine how somebody can come in here and do that and nobody hear it," Ford said.

Hyman reached out to Preflight several times Thursday to ask about what happened, how they secure the lot and the damage. No one called her back.

"They just don't accept responsibility. Fourteen cars get broken into. We need to get to the bottom of how that can happen in a parking lot in Atlanta by the airport," Ford said.

Ford said she is considering hiring a lawyer but says it's not about the money. She wants the company to take responsibility.