Snake lands on Mississippi woman as she opens front door

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MCCOMB, Miss. — A Mississippi woman recoiled in horror last week after receiving an unwelcome, slithering surprise.

Christina Mitchell, of McComb, had just come home from work Thursday when she opened her front door. A snake, which had been lodged on top of the door, landed on her head, the Enterprise-Journal of McComb reported.

“I felt this thump on my head,” Mitchell told the newspaper. “I looked down and the snake had landed at my feet in the house.”

“He did his striking pose because it was just a scared little rat snake,” Mitchell told the newspaper. “He tried to bite at my broom whenever I put him outside. He probably thought that was really rude. We kind of had a stare-down.”

The 10-inch snake then crawled into Mitchell’s kitchen. Although Mitchell called her husband, she did not wait for help. She grabbed a broom and swept the snake out of her home, the Enterprise-Journal reported.

Mitchell took a photo of the reptile, and it looked like an Eastern rat snake, a nonvenomous snake according to the National Wildlife Federation.

“I actually really like snakes,” Mitchell told the Enterprise-Journal. “I think they’re fascinating.”

Mitchell also said she has no plans to move a pitcher plant by the front door that might have attracted the snake.

“I just love my pitcher plant,” she told the newspaper. “I feel like I’ll just take my chances and open my door really slow from now on.”