How to disable FaceTime until Apple releases fix for bug

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If you have an Apple device with FaceTime, you may want to disable it.

On Monday, tech blogs reported that a bug allows some users to listen in on people they called via FaceTime without the person picking up. Some users said they were able see through the front-facing camera of the person they were calling.

Until Apple releases the fix, CNN said you can disable the feature by doing the following:

According to CNN, Apple said Monday night that it has identified the problem and will release a fix in a software update later this week.

The bug reportedly occurs on iPhones and iPads running iOS 12.1, and Apple PCs running macOS Mojave.

"On an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings -> FaceTime, and toggle off the green button at the top of the screen. To turn it off on a Mac, open the FaceTime app and go to FaceTime on top of the screen, then select 'Turn FaceTime Off.'"

Read more here.