Thieves Steal Brain-Damaged Woman's Wheelchair Van

RIVERDALE, Ga. — Christine Kenney has severe brain damage, preventing her from talking or walking.

Her husband, Alfred, told Channel 2 Action News reporter Sean Callebs that his wife was in a horrific car accident 23 years ago.

Now, Alfred Kenney is dealing with another challenge -- he has no way of transporting his wife after thieves stole their 1988 Chevy wheelchair-accessible van Friday while it was parked under their carport.

Alfred Kenney, 79, said he has always done things the right way. He spent most of his life working at the Hapeville Ford plant. He said that his wife needs round the clock nursing care and has a highly structured life.

"Just somebody wanting something for nothing ... too sorry to work," said Alfred Kenney.

Nurse Ola Fasassi said since the van was stolen, Christine Kenney has missed her doctor appointments.

"Because of the van, we don't have anybody to pick her up to take her to her appointments tomorrow," said Fasassi.

Alfred Kenney just wants what's best for his wife.

"I'd just like to have my van back," he said.