Lawsuit: Health center left 98-year-old grandmother in the sun for hours

Lawsuit: Health center left 98-year-old grandmother in the sun for hours

WEST PALM BEACH, Fl. — A family has filed a lawsuit alleging their 98-year-old grandmother died after a Florida health care facility left her outside in 90-degree heat for more than five hours.

Eva Mae Rhodes had second-degree burns and was unresponsive when paramedics brought her to St. Mary's Hospital in 2017.

According to the lawsuit, Rhodes died of hyperthermia two weeks later.

Lakeside Health Center told The Palm Beach Post they were unaware of the complaint.

Candace McKinley says her grandmother suffered from dementia, couldn't talk and was in a wheelchair.

The lawsuit says Rhodes was a patient there for three years.
Information from: The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post,