White House typo spotted in Trump's executive order on family 'seperation'

The White House rushed Wednesday to get out President Donald Trump's executive order ending the administration's border separation policy. And it showed.

In the first version of the order released by the White House, the word separation is misspelled in the document's title as "seperation." The typo was quickly fixed but screenshots of the gaffe appeared on social media even quicker.

Posts about the slip-up spread quickly. The Trump administration has a history of typos and the misspelling reinforced the perception that Trump's change on the issue was abrupt.

The mounting arrests and growing number of children torn from their parents led to a massive outcry across the U.S. and around the world. Even Republican lawmakers and first lady Melania Trump objected to the policy and helped drive Trump to end it (although he plans to continue detaining migrant families).

The order aims to fix a problem created by the "zero tolerance" policy on illegal immigration announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions last month. Under that policy, all undocumented immigrants are detained, even those traveling with children.