Spoiler alert, binge-watch, impostor syndrome added to Oxford English Dictionary

Our obsession with streaming TV shows and films is changing our vocabulary.

Binge-watching and spoiler alert were added to the Oxford English Dictionary as part of a June update, the dictionary announced Thursday.

The term binge-watch, a verb, is described as watching multiple episodes of a TV show in "extended bursts." Not caught up on the latest episode? Oxford defines a spoiler alert, noun, as an "intervention used to warn a reader" about an important detail of the story they might not yet know.

Other words added related to sex and relationships: ace, an abbreviated word for asexual; aromantic, having no desire to form a romantic relationship; and biromanticheteroromantic, and homoromantic — words describing the orientation of a person's romantic feelings with respect to gender.

Imposter syndrome, a noun, was also added to the dictionary, defined as "the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved." The term has been used in the media as early as a 1982 Vogue article and most recently in The New York Times, suggesting the feeling hits minority groups hardest.

"One of the most conspicuous domains in which the vocabulary of English has expanded in recent decades is that of gender and sexuality," said Katherine Connor Martin, head of U.S. Dictionaries at Oxford University Press.

More additions included: microaggression (a statement or act regarded as prejudice), Lorem ipsum (sample text) and Silent Generation (people born before baby boomers).

See the full list on the Oxford website.

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