Dozens of APS teachers must reapply for jobs

ATLANTA — Hundreds of Atlanta teachers said they are worried about their jobs after the district’s decision to close and consolidate schools.

Channel 2’s Eric Phillips spoke to several Friday afternoon, when hundreds gathered for a heated meeting at South Atlanta High School.

“For those of us, who are close to retirement, if you can offer us an incentive, we have no problem leaving,” one woman told school officials inside a packed auditorium.

School officials said educators at seven schools slated for closure under the Atlanta Public Schools redistricting plan, and those at high schools that will be consolidating, will have attend jobs fairs to be considered for alternate positions.

Several teachers who did not want to appear on camera said they just received their employment contracts for next year, only to learn that they’re required to reapply for their jobs.

Atlanta Public Schools Final Redistricting Plan

Some said it’s unfair because their job is in limbo while there may be newer, less qualified, or worse-performing teachers, who don’t have to worry because they are a targeted school.

“At this point in time, your job is in limbo. Thirty-one years,” an attendee said.

Meanwhile, officials said there will be three job fairs for elementary and middle school teachers.  Jobs fairs for those at the targeted high school have not yet been scheduled.

The changes come as part of Atlanta Public Schools superintendent Erroll Davis’ redistricting plan, calling for the closing of 10 buildings.  But, the school board voted to shut down seven – Parks and Kennedy middle schools.

Elementary closings include Capitol View, White, Cook, East Lake and Herndon.