Smartphone video captures assault at Sandy Creek High School

FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. — A student caught on camera punching a girl is sharing her side of the story with Channel 2's Tyisha Fernandes. Someone used a smartphone to record the punch at Sandy Creek High School.

The Sandy Creek High School sophomore who punched the other sophomore in the face asked Channel 2 Action News to hide her identity.

She said she feels bad about the assault, but said it's the result of being bullied.


Her mother said the victim has been saying mean things to her daughter since last year, and her daughter was cutting herself because she hates the way she looks. %

"She'd come home saying she wanted to get surgery. The girl was saying she's a linebacker. Said she looked like a man," the student's mother said.

A witness to the assault said he knew about the situation with the two girls.

"She was talking about her the whole summer," witness Leon Walton said.

The student who was punched admitted to Fernandes she had said things about the other girl. She said they're both guilty of that, but she didn't deserve to get punched.

Fayette County School officials sent a statement about the incident that reads in part:

The girl seen punching in a smartphone video is charged with assault.