Rocket launches from the Georgia coast

Rocket launch from Georgia

CAMDEN COUNTY, Ga. — Will Camden County become the next Cape Canaveral? On Thursday, it sure looked like it.

A private micro-satellite space launch company called Vector said it successfully tested a rocket from the Georgia coast.

Drone video from Vector shows the rocket launching from the Camden Spaceport around 9:25 a.m.

The rocket reached under 10,000 feet.

Vector said the rocket returned to earth under a controlled parachute.


The team is now going over the data collected from the launch.

Regulations laid down by the Federal Aviation Administration allowed the low-altitude, single-stage launch, as long as the rocket remained within the confines of the Camden County property.

Vector said the launch could be seen from Jekyll Island to St. Andrews Sound. The test was not open to the public at the site.