Freeze Watch to go into effect Friday night into Saturday

ATLANTA — Don't put that umbrella away just yet! Heavy rain is possible Friday morning, and Severe Weather Team 2 is encouraging everyone to get ready for the first freeze of the season this weekend.

Severe Weather Team 2's Chief Meteorologist Glenn Burns recommended that commuters give themselves an extra hour in the morning.


Severe Weather Team 2 meteorologist Brad Nitz said he expects rain to be moving into northwest Georgia and then moving into the metro area midday for a wet lunch hour.

Severe Weather Team 2 is using the most powerful radar in the world to update the timeline for rain and ensuing chill on Channel 2 Action News This Morning, starting at 4:30 a.m.

Burns said there will be a much better scenario Friday afternoon as rain is expected to clear out.

Next week will be much colder. A Freeze Watch will take effect Friday night into Saturday morning for northwest metro Atlanta and across most of north Georgia. It's in line with below-average temperatures that will overtake the eastern United States.