POLL: Trump, Clinton widen leads ahead of Super Tuesday

ATLANTA — New numbers from an exclusive Channel 2 Action News, Landmark Communications/RosettaStone poll show Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton maintaining dominance over Bernie Sanders.

Meanwhile, Republican Donald Trump continues to lead the pack with nearly 40 percent.

Marco Rubio falls behind with 20 percent and Ted Cruz follows with 15.

“Trump is seen as a very strong leader. He's so politically incorrect. A lot of people are thirsting for that,” said Emory University political science professor Merle Black.

Our exclusive poll with numbers of 1,400 likely GOP voters surveyed Sunday night show Rubio's change in strategy may be too little too late.

Trump has struck a chord with voters who are sick of the establishment Republicans.

“People who have to live through the consequences of establishment policies. And there's a lot of anger and resentment about that,” Black said.

Trump's strategy seems to be working, according to new poll numbers.

Trump moved up 7 points since last week to 39 percent. Both Rubio and Cruz are losing support with 9 percent undecided.

Analysts say it's likely those undecided will lean toward Rubio.

Members of the Cruz campaign say they're still expecting a strong showing among evangelical voters in Georgia.

“We felt like the evangelical vote would be part of our pathway all along. We're still counting on those folks,” said Cruz campaign grassroots head Louis Hunter. “We think it's anybody's race at this point. Obviously Trump is the man we're all trying to catch.”

Black says there's no surprise on the Democratic side of the race here in Georgia.

Hillary Clinton has an almost 50-point lead against Bernie Sanders.

The poll numbers show where Sanders' huge weakness is Clinton capturing 80 percent of the African-American vote.

Planned Parenthood Federation President Cecile Richards was in town campaigning for Clinton Monday.

“Hillary Clinton has a 40-year history of working on civil rights, women's rights. I'm particularly proud she's a supporter of Planned Parenthood giving access to women's health care,” Richards said.

You can count on Channel 2 Action News and ABC News for the most comprehensive Super Tuesday coverage.

We’ll have several hours of non-stop coverage on WSBTV.com beginning at 8 p.m.

We’ll also have results, reaction from candidates, live reports from local campaign sites and in-depth analysis from political experts on the Channel 2 Action News Nightbeat.