Paulding teens rescue man, pregnant woman caught in riptide

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PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — Two Paulding County teens are being called heroes after pulling two swimmers to safety during spring break.

South Paulding High School students Tyler Feagan and Dillon Humphries rescued a man and a pregnant woman caught in a riptide at Panama City Beach.

Channel 2's Carl Willis spoke with one of the teen rescuers.

"I think I was just out there. God put me out there to save that person. I don't think of myself as a hero," Feagan said. "A wave came out and a rip current took them. And we heard them say 'Help.'"

Feagan said Dillon was able to fight through red flag conditions and get the woman in distress to a sandbar. Feagan said the man he was helping nearly gave up and then slipped into a dangerous panic.

"My guy was in that fight or flight mode and was pushing me down to breathe. I told him just to get off me, to look me in the eyes and to breathe through his nose so he wouldn't get any more water in his chest," Feagan said.

Feagan met Willis at the Paulding County Sheriff's Office where he interns and takes part in the explorers program and the junior SWAT team.

Deputies said they've always known that he is a special kid.

"It's rare in today's world, as you guys know, that you don't have that, that someone would set their own life aside and not think about it and go save someone else. It doesn't happen. I'm very proud of him," said Paulding County Sheriff's Lt. John Sherling.

In the end, both swimmers were saved and their baby is doing fine.

"I'm just glad that we were out there not just to help them, but we saved three lives. Especially that little kid, and I'm glad the baby was OK, too," Sherling said.

Feagan said the couple they saved wants to name its child after him and Humphries for risking their lives.