Midtown resident has privacy concerns after seeing drone outside high-rise

ATLANTA — A Channel 2 Action News viewer says she has major privacy concerns after seeing a drone flying near her residential building in midtown Atlanta.
Charlie Rose grabbed her cell phone and recorded video of a drone. She saw it the night of April 22 outside her apartment on Spring Street.

"Not exactly sure why it was there but it didn't look like it had any other purpose other than to look into our units," Rose told Channel 2's Amy Napier Viteri
A Channel 2 Action News employee also recorded video of a similar looking drone earlier this month, flying through midtown.
Rose told Viteri she's not against legitimate uses for drones, but this sighting left her uneasy.
"I don't want them encroaching on my privacy so there has to be some balance and regulation," Rose said.
State Rep. Patty Bentley was one of several sponsors of a bill introduced last legislative session related to drones. It would make it illegal for unmanned aircraft to capture images considered an invasion of privacy. 
"People value their privacy and I'm one of them," Bentley said about why the bill is important. "I think our highest expectation to privacy is in our homes."
Viteri checked with Atlanta police who say they have received no complaints involving drones.
Lawmakers took no action on that drone-related bill during the last session, but Bentley says it's something they could re-introduce in the next session.