Levofloxacin users share antibiotic's success stories

Channel 2 consumer adviser Clark Howard told Jim Strickland why he takes levofloxacin, the controversial antibiotic Strickland has been investigating.

"I want to ward off infections. It's what my doctor wants me to take,” said Howard, who takes the drug around the times of his annual biopsy following prostate cancer.

Howard told Strickland the risk of a potentially deadly infection from the procedure trumps the risk of side effects.

The tendon issue has prompted the FDA's strongest warning.

Levofloxacin is blamed for 1,200 deaths reported to FDA, plus thousands of reported tendon injuries.

"I'll tell you that black box warning, that's pretty scary," said Howard.

Howard says he has experienced severe tendon pain while on the drug. He suspends his daily workout routine while taking the drug.

However, after seeing Strickland’s investigation, Howard says he'll seek alternatives.

"I have my next biopsy in June, and I'm going to ask my doctor if there's and alternate prescription that I can take,” Howard told Strickland.

"Antibiotics are miraculous for what they can do, but every antibiotic is going to have some risk of side effects. The point is, only take them if you need them," said infectious disease specialist Dr. Robin Dretler.

Dretler defends levofloxacin as a necessary weapon in the fight against certain diseases.  He credits levofloxacin and its sister medicines with helping wipe out Legionnaire’s disease.

"I think there are two sides to every story and mine has been very good," said chronic sinus infection sufferer David Jarrad, of Conyers.

Jarrad says taking the pill is necessary and, for him, so uneventful that he swallowed the final pill of his 10-day regimen in front of Strickland.